The Library
In 1928 the idea of creating a “social library” was born. The goal was to support the education, culture and leisure by giving access to books, newspapers and magazines to the people that could not afford them. This social movement resulted in the donation of thousands of books by individual people and institutions.
In 1930 there were two meritoriours donators that stood out: Priest Lopes Manso, with 3000 units, and the Argentinian General Consul in Portugal, António Mantecón, with about 2000 units.
Present Day
In 2004 we began the computerization of our library and you can find our bibliographic records at Casa do Alentejo and in the PORBASE catalogue at the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (Portugal National Library).
The library's collection consists of 10 000 units about an extensive variety of topics. You can find a lot of books about Alentejo (local monographs, congressional records, ethnography, art, literature, gastronomy, among others). The other stand out subjects are: Portuguese Colonialism (Colonial administration, Law, exhibitions, History, etc), Literature, History of Portugal, Medicine, Agriculture, Catholic Religion and Spiritism, just to name a few of the most relevant topics.
On July 10th of 2011, the library is named after a great figure of Casa do Alentejo's history – Victor Paquete.
The Library's facilities are also used for book launching events, associative meetings and exhibitions.
The Library provides the following services:
• Personalized treatment
• Bibliographic researches
• Consultation of monographs and serial publications in person
• Computer Scanning
Office Hours
Monday to Friday, from 6pm to 9pm (break from 6.30pm till 7pm)
Saturday, from 10am till 4pm (break from 11.30am till 12pm)